Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Womens Rights Essay - 951 Words

Womens Rights The gender differences between men and women in society has been drastically reduced since the early thirties when, Their Eyes Were Watching God was first published. Through equal rights movements and generational education sexism and biases have been almost completely abolished. To deny some one of their human rights simply because of their gender is ignorance. Women and men should be treated equally depending on the type of person they are not on there gender. Zora Hurston dealt with the sexism as well as the racism of the early twentieth century not only as a woman but also as an African American. She grew up in a time when racism was still very prominent in society. In the early thirties until the late†¦show more content†¦You sho loves to tell me whut to do, but Ah cant tell you nothn Ah see! Dats cause you need telln, he rejoined hotly. It would be pitiful if Ah didnt. Somebody got to think for women and chillun and chickens and cows. I god, they sho dont think none theirselves. (Pg. 71) In the 1930s it was common for a husband to speak at or down to his wife. It was unheard of for a wife to back talk to her husband, if she did, she was most likely to be beat. This is unfair and wrong. A woman, especially a mans wife should be treated with the utmost respect, especially by her husband. A marriage should be equal and fair; a husband should not be controlling and abusive. Jody, Janies husband was insecure with himself and as Janie got older he took it out on her. Jody had always been a handsome man, and when he was old you could tell that time had worn on him. To compliment physically beating Janie he also found it easy to verbally humiliate and abuse her. When she would back talk him, or even speak for that matter, he would become violent. I god amighty! A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem and still cant cut a little thing like a plug of tobacco! Dont stand dere rolln yo pop eyes at me wid yo rump hangn nearly to yo knees! Taint no use in gettn all mad, Janie, cause Ah mention you aint no young gal noShow MoreRelatedWomens Rights Movement1336 Words   |  6 PagesThe Women’s Rights Movement Women’s Suffrage is a subject that could easily be considered a black mark on the history of the United States. The entire history of the right for women to vote takes many twists and turns but eventually turned out alright. This paper will take a look at some of these twists and turns along with some of the major figures involved in the  suffrage  movement.   The first recorded instance in American history where a woman demanded the right to vote was in 1647. MargaretRead MoreThe Goals Of The Feminist And WomenS Rights Movements1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe goals of the feminist and women s rights movements are first to create equality amongst all people. All people are deserving of quality health care, unconditional love and mutual respect. 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One group in particular that were deprive voting rights in the past was women. The idea that women wanted to be not above a man, but equal was unfathomable to most men and women. In the past, women were seen as unintelligent servants to their husbands and children. They were deprived many rights especially the right to vote in public state or national elections. This did not change until theRead MoreHistory of the Womens Movement for Suffrage and Womens Rights1200 Words   |  5 PagesPrior to the famous movement for womens suffrage in the society, women had little or no say in the society. If they happen to be working, it was gruelling things like housework that would sometimes extend over the course of the whole day, or, later on during the famous industrialization era that took place, in various factories they get paid very little and work long hours. On the other hand women had the go ahead to vote but in only some states, it was practically a big joke to think of a womanRead MoreThe Strive for Womens Rights706 Words   |  3 Pageshave accomplished gaining their rights back, multiple problems still exist currently. Attention towards the crisis occurred in the late 1800’s and throughout the 20th century. Daily, women face challenges due to inequality and discrimination. Gender inequality not only hurts women and gir ls physically, but also prevents them from having opportunities. With the help from activists, the issue has gained awareness and has helped others understand the situation. Many rights have been gained, as well asRead MoreA History of Womens Rights Essay1564 Words   |  7 Pages Women have always been fighting for their rights for voting, the right to have an abortion, equal pay as men, being able to joined the armed forces just to name a few. The most notable women’s rights movement was headed in Seneca Falls, New York. The movement came to be known as the Seneca Falls convention and it was lead by women’s rights activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton during July 19th and 20th in 1848. Stanton created this convention in New York because of a visit from Lucretia Mott from BostonRead MoreEssay about Womens Rights in the United States2288 Words   |  10 Pages Even as far back as the United States independence, women did not possess any civil rights. According to Janda, this view is also known as protectionism, the notion that women mush be sheltered from lifes harsh realities. Protectionism carried on throughout the general populations view for many decades until the 1920s when the womens movement started. Women finally received the right to vote in the Nineteenth Amendment. The traditional views of protectionism, however, remained in peoplesRead MoreEssay on The Womens Rights Movement1346 Words   |  6 PagesThe Womens Rights Movement was a significant crusade for women that began in the late nineteenth century and flourished throughout Europe and the United States for the rest of the twentieth century. Advocates for womens rights initiated this movement as they yearned for equality and equal participation and representation in society. Throughout all of history, the jobs of women ranged from housewives to factory workers, yet oppr ession by society, particularly men, accompanied them in their everyday

Monday, December 16, 2019

Collaboration in the supply chain Free Essays

In general footings supply concatenation direction has been described by Cox ( 1997 ) as â€Å" a manner of thought that is devoted to detecting tools and techniques that provide for increased operational effectivity and efficiency throughout the bringing channels that must be created internally and externally to back up and provide bing corporate merchandise and service offerings to clients † . Supply concatenation direction can besides be defined as a direction of three or more administration linked together by one or more of the flow of merchandise, services, finance and information from a beginning to a client ( Mentzer et al, 2001 ) . So based on the above definition supply concatenation direction can be describe as a direction of the relationship and activities among the member of the administrations internally every bit good as externally. We will write a custom essay sample on Collaboration in the supply chain or any similar topic only for you Order Now As the concern environment becomes more complex, administrations recognise that many benefits can be obtained from closer, long term relationship in supply concatenation ( Ganesan, 1994 ) . The end of the supply concatenation direction is that every member of the administration should work together in close and long term relationship to increase the competitory advantage of the supply concatenation direction as a whole which can move as one of the nucleus competence of the administration ( Mentzer et al, 2001 ) . The troubles for production companies are escalating, as a â€Å" rising figure merchandises are launched whose marks market can merely be reached efficaciously through a limited figure of mercantile establishments whose ownership is concentrated in a diminishing figure of centralized concatenation † ( Guirdham, 1972, P: nine ) . However, there are plentiful illustrations of major gross revenues and market portion breakthrough being achieved by a supply concatenation scheme which requires a supply concatenation direction. External environment in which a house operates besides plays a critical function in the acceptance and execution of supply concatenation integrating. The fast altering market demands require companies to incorporate supply concatenation procedures in order to be more antiphonal. Customers are demanding merchandises which can be systematically delivered faster and more faithfully, which requires close coordination within the house and with retail merchants or mercantile establishments ( Richey et al. , 2009 ) . However, A figure of researches are done on the retail administrations and parent administrations but there is a deficiency in literature between the supply concatenation direction of these two administrations. As per OCED ( 2007 ) and Porter and Ketels ( 2003 ) , fabricating administrations in developed economic systems needs to travel up the value concatenation and vie on the footing of value instead than on the footing of cost. To vie on the footing of the value the administration should necessitate services to the client. Martinez et Al ( 2009 ) stated that it is a ambitious undertaking for a fabrication administration to go a product-service administration ( PSS ) in which merchandises and services can be provided by the retail merchants to the costumiers for some administration. The acceptance of a new product-service scheme requires investings on capacity edifice such as the placement of retail merchants, new peoples ‘ accomplishments, capablenesss and engineerings etc. ( Reinartz and Ulaga, 2008 ) . Therefore, in the short period of clip it can be disputing for administrations to take out immense grosss from a new PSS transmutation but in the longer period of clip that new PSS schemes can convey immense grosss to the administrations ( Quinn et al. , 1990 ) . Oliva and Kallenberg ( 2003 ) , Davies ( 2003 ) and Araujo and Spring ( 2006 ) argue that during this transmutation to a combined product-service offering, administrations are likely to alter their schemes, value ironss, operations, system integrating capablenesss, people expertise and engineerings. In many merchandise service administrations ( PSS ) industries service are provided by the retail merchant as the nucleus competence of a retail merchant lies in supplying services to the client and have the client cognition of that country. However, the manner of altering transmutation waies from a merchandise fabrication administration to a combined product-service administration are still ill understood ( Voss, 2005 ; Johnston, 1995 ; Miller et al. , 2002 ; Tukker, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Richey et Al, 2009 in PSS there are two drivers in supply concatenation integrating which are internal and external. Most of the administrations look to develop the internal supply concatenation integrating to cut down cost in production and the others factors alternatively of developing it overall. It is besides said that directors have reported many troubles in the procedure of implementing of complete supply concatenation integrating because external environment is non in control of any administration so it is difficult to implement complete supply concatenation integrating. Some administrations consider their retail merchant as an internal supply concatenation direction of the administration and some says that lies in external supply concatenation direction of the administration ( Keller, 2002 ) . However, Internal planning failure is due to the deficiency of an effectual planning that provides the result of concern procedures and external monitoring failure refers to the deficiency of an internal mechanism that efficaciously monitors the external environment ( Burt and Davies, 2007 ) . So which means that retail merchant administration can a portion of external or internal supply concatenation direction but the failure comes from internal of the administration. Alternatively of endeavoring for common ends, each functional country works for its ain involvement to accomplish its ain public presentation aims. A typical type of internal planning failure leads different functional countries in different waies. For illustration while the production section might to a great extent concentrate on cutting the costs, the gross revenues section might merely endeavor for bigger gross revenues volume, which will do supply concatenation integrating an impossible mission ( Christopher, 2005 ) . As stated by Richey et Al, 2009 external environment is non in control of any administration so it is difficult to implement complete supply concatenation integrating but as stated by Burt and Davies, 2007 monitoring of external environment is due to miss of internal failure which concludes that an administration can implement a complete supply concatenation integrating internally. In today ‘s environment, competition is among supply ironss instead than among single companies ( Christopher, 2005 ) . This requires houses to hold an effectual information system to supervise external environment, including their clients, retail merchant, and rivals, to do appropriate determinations sing supply concatenation integrating. Marketing writers have long argued that in order to be market oriented, houses must bring forth market cognition about the current and future client demands, administer the cognition across all the sections, and respond to it through coordination of sections ( Kohli and Jaworski, 1990 ; Slater and Narver, 1995 ) . The cognition of the current and the hereafter clients can be collected by the retail merchant as they are close to the clients and locally situated. â€Å" Competing supply concatenation that manage through coaction to incorporate supply and demand, present important improved public presentation, and benefit yet farther from close relationship that themselves foster more chance for greater betterment † ( Barratt, 2004, p 31 ) . As per Findlay et al. , 1990 retailing environment in developing states is under developed and there is no peculiar system or construction for retail market. If the retailing environment in the development states are undeveloped so how the administration are implementing the supply concatenation direction. Barriers to provide concatenation integrating act as a go-between to weaken the positive relationships between the drivers of supply concatenation integrating and the steadfast public presentation. Hoek ( 2000 ) argued that because mechanisms for both internal and external integrating can be found in the measuring and control of operations, it is of import to develop integrative steps for the full organisation. The research on the effects of the barriers to provide concatenation integrating is still missing, which limits the ability to happen effectual solutions to these issues. Therefore, it is worthwhile to look into the barriers and the effects of these barriers to provide concatenation integrating. Which external barriers are curtailing from constructing a healthy supply concatenation relationship between the parent and retail administration? Available literature reappraisal explains about the benefits of the supply concatenation relationship. But there is a deficiency in the literature reappraisal which explains the external barriers and how to get the better of with those barriers for an industry. By making the research on the external barriers impacting in doing the healthy relationship between the retail and the parent administration can convey good solution for most of the merchandise service administration. What jobs the retail and parent administration are confronting internally to develop healthy supply concatenation relation? To construct a healthy relationship in supply concatenation direction of merchandise service administration between the retail merchant and parent administration internal barriers should be identified. External supply concatenation direction fails due to the deficiency of an internal mechanism that efficaciously monitors the external environment ( Freathy, 2003 ) . By making the research on the internal barriers impacting in doing the healthy relationship between the retail and the parent administration can convey good solution for most of the merchandise service administration. How to get the better of the barriers which are set uping to construct a healthy supply concatenation relationship between the parent and retail administration? Merely by findings the external and internal barriers in the doing the healthy supply concatenation relationship between the parent and the retail administration is non sufficient. It is necessary to happen a solution to get the better of the barriers for any administration. As per the research the recommendation will be based on the solutions by utilizing the primary and secondary informations, so that the administrations which are confronting the similar barriers found in research can utilize that solution to do a healthy relationship in supply concatenation direction. By doing a healthy relationship parent and retail administration can supply better client service and can derive more market portion in their industry. In an interpretative doctrine the Inductive attacks has been selected because of assorted grounds such as, in this attack theory is made up on the footing of informations collected which means doing sense of world which can be find out of the interviews ( collected information ) , here â€Å" cause and consequence nexus exists between the variables and deriving the apprehension of the significances † ( Saunder et al. , 2007 ) , which provides a close apprehension of the existent state of affairs, which supports the use of qualitative informations, including interviews to be carried on. Furthermore the inclination of deductive attack in bordering ‘rigid methodological analysis which restricts the alternate account of what is traveling on ‘ proves to be its unfavorable judgment ( Fisher, 2010 ) . A instance survey or literature reappraisal would be used with inductive attack in order to acquire in-depth analysis within a existent life context. Yin, 2003 provinces that instance surveies or literature reappraisal non merely supply entree to broad scope of attitudinal, behavioral, and historical issues but besides can be used in combination of interviews and questionnaires ( Saunders et al. , 2007 ) . Many research workers ‘ stated that Triangulation of research methods is considered to be one of the most dependable and can be a valuable manner of carry oning research ( Robson, 2002: cited in Fisher, 2007 ) . Thus a multiple-method attack utilizing a combination of research methods was considered thereby utilizing qualitative informations by carry oning in-depth interviews ( Saunders et al. , 2007 ) and associating it to the literature reappraisal in the given clip frame. Research methods and trying The proposal is based on research that will be carried out on primary informations as opposed to the secondary informations due to the deficiency of literature available every bit good as the research has non been done on the above mentioned research inquiries. Primary informations here includes the in-depth unstructured face to confront interviews, to happen out what precisely is traveling on in world ( findings barriers ) and to seek new -insights ( Robson, 2002: cited in Fisher, 2007 ) , every bit good as informal interviews, considered as qualitative research interviews ( King 2004: cited in Saunders et al. , 2007 ) , with managers of the retail administration, senior directors, head employees of the retail administration, caput of regional office of Assorted administration within the agribusiness equipment industry ( tractors ) in Bundi part which is in Rajasthan ( India ) . To traverse look into the barriers informal interview with the retail administration in other part will b esides be conducted. Access to the information and questioning the above designators has been granted by the taking market portion administration and their retail merchants and the permission of entering the interview is besides granted. However confabs are in procedure for subscribing off the confidentiality understanding to keep the informations integrity/privacy, as one of the nucleus values of the administrations and with other trade names retail merchants and with seniors of regional offices. Other information can be gathered from the company ‘s dorsum land which can be use to associate it to the interview and entree to those information has been approved like understandings between the retail and parent administrations. For the pick of trying techniques this research intends to utilize purposive sampling that involves choosing considerable figure of enlightening interviews, hope to carry on 12 interviews with senior directors, managers of the retail administration, caput employees of the retail administration, caput of regional office within the agribusiness equipment industry ( tractors ) in India, to run into the above mentioned aims ( Fisher, 2007 ; Saunders, et.al. 2007 ) . Restrictions While making un-structured and informal in-depth interviews, batch of factors demands to be taken attention off. Open inquiries need to be asked in order to avoid biasness every bit good as to take out maximal possible information from the administrations. However, the focal point will stay on the research inquiry and the purpose of research while questioning. Interviewer ‘s demands to take attention of the dress-code, privateness of the individual, opening remarks to be made while get downing interview, affectional hearing accomplishments, attack to entering informations and last but non the least given clip skyline within which interviews demands to be conducted and analysed. Specific Ethical or Legal Concerns With Your Research Project It is necessary to understand the sensitiveness of utilizing the existent informations from the directors and the employees of the companies. It is of import to clear up the research subject, informations, addition entree of the informations and how we collect, analyse and utilize them in honest and responsible mode ( Fisher, 2007 ; Saunders et.al, 2007 ) . â€Å" Ethical motives as the moral rules, norms or criterions of behavior that guide moral picks about our behavior and our relationship with others † ( Blumberg et al, 2005: cited in Saunders et.al, 2007 ) . During informations aggregation devising certain the information that has been collected is accurate and which is helpful to associate with the research inquiry and should avoid all the subjective selectivity on what is traveling to be recorded. Taking great attention and keeping confidentiality and namelessness are of import in deriving entree to administrations information ( Easterby-Smith et. Al, 2009 ) . Any sugge stion and incorrect reading made on the footing of utilizing company informations, could take to large legal job. Therefore under the subdivision 2 ( B ) 1998 Data protection Act, it is vitally of import that all informations be treated sensitively and confidentially ( OPSI, 1988 ) . All the information will be used what ‘s available and has been used to do primary research for to make full the spread in the literature but this will be done by being just to the companies and following their policies. Not merely the information that has been collected is of import but procuring the information is besides of import, any escape in informations can convey the individual or society into problem Pr into legal jobs. Harmonizing to the UK statute law, this refers to the commissariats of informations Protection Act, 1998. This allows protecting your informations of your research lawfully in the state you live in ( The stationary office, 1998: cited in Saunders et.al, 2007 ) .Identify w hat ethical or legal concerns that there may be with the undertaking – be precise and elaborate. Preservation of Confidentiality and Anonymity As per the research it is required to roll up the information from assorted administrations and to maintain the information secure for that confidentiality signifier will be signed between the research worker and the member of the administration. Confidentiality signifier will besides be signed between the research worker and the administration. All the informations will be kept safely. Informed Consent During roll uping the informations the directors of retail administration and parent administration will be informed that the information they are giving will non be shared by any others individual or the administration and it will merely used for the research. The names of the director and the administration will be kept confidentially under the Data protection Act 1998 ( Saunders et al. , 2007 ) . Potential Good or Harm Caused by the Research Designation of barriers in the research conducted can supply utile information for product-service administrations on developing their external and internal supply concatenation integrating particularly between the retail and parent administration. Ethical Guidelines in the Field Please mention Section 1 of Ethical and legal concern. Processing and Storage of Datas The information collected in the research will be treated discreetly and utilized with regard to the Data Protection Act 1998 ( OPSI, 1998 ) . All informations in paper or electronic format will be stored safely and upon completion of the research undertaking informations will be destroyed wholly. The deadline for the proposal is on the 24th of May 2010. Further work will be pending one time the consequences came out which will take about 4 hebdomads that will take it to 24th of June. Following the consequences and after the allotment of supervisor 2 hebdomads will be given to do the necessary alterations to the proposal and get down initial research. There has been non allocated a batch of clip due to assorted grounds for the research. First, the research can non be start because of the other faculties which will be finish on 5th of July 2010 ; it will be difficult to give clip wholly to research during this period. Secondly research will hold to be done under an allocated supervisor and communicate and handiness of the supervisor will hold to be considered. Once the proposal has been passed by allocated supervisor, the aggregation of the secondary informations which includes the background and literature survey such as articles, diaries and information will be carried out ti ll 12th of July. Time is a large factor here hence research clip has been estimated to be approximately 4 hebdomads which is allocated to roll up the primary informations through interviews for administration and to analyze it. From the 2nd hebdomad of July, following undertaking will be done by going to India to roll up the information required to finish the research. Final two hebdomads from the 2nd hebdomad to the 3rd hebdomad of August will be given for reappraisal of the research and findings and associate it to the literature available it and composing the thesis. In add-on research worker will be confer withing with the allocated supervisor through regular meetings and treatment. The last hebdomad of August will be allocated to completion and concluding reappraisal of the thesis to guarantee that it is presented good. Mentions Araujo, L. and Spring, M. ( 2006 ) , â€Å" Service, merchandise, and the institutional construction of production † , Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 35, Number 7, pp. 797-805. Barratt, M. ( 2004 ) , â€Å" Understanding the significance of Collaboration in the supply concatenation † , Supply Chain Management, An International Journal, Volume 9, Number 1, pp 30-42. Burt, S. , Davies, K. ( 2007 ) , â€Å" Consumer co-operatives and retail internationalization: jobs and chances † , International Journal of Retail A ; Distribution Management, Volume 35, Number 2, pp. 156-177. Christopher, M. ( 2005 ) , Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3rd ed. , Pearson Education, London. Cox, A. ( 1999 ) , â€Å" Power value and supply concatenation direction † ; Supply concatenation direction: An International Journal, Volume 4, Number 4, pp 167-175. Davies, A. , Prencipe, A. , Hobday, M. ( 2003 ) , â€Å" Incorporate solutions: the altering concern of systems integrating † , The Business System Integration, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Easterby-Smith, M. , Thorpe, R. and Jackson, P. ( 2008 ) , â€Å" Management Research † , Third Edition, Sage Publication Limited. Findlay, A. M. , Paddison, R. , and Dawson, J. A. ( 1990 ) , Retailing Environments In Developing States, London, Routledge, Chapman and Hall Fisher, C. ( 2007 ) , â€Å" Researching and composing a thesis † , FT learner Hall, Second edition Fisher, Colin ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Researching and composing a thesis – An Essential usher for concern pupils † , Third Edition, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. Freathy, P. ( 2003 ) , The Retailing Book: Principle and Application, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. Ganesam, S. ( 1994 ) , â€Å" Determinants of long term oriented in buyer-seller relationship † , Journal of Marketing, Volume 58, April, pp 1-19. Guirdham, M. ( 1972 ) , Selling: The Management of Distribution Channels, Oxford, Pergamon Press Limited. Hoek, R.V. ( 1998 ) , â€Å" Logisticss and practical integrating † , International Journal of Physical Distribution A ; Logistics Management, Volume 28, Number 7, pp 508-23. Hoek, R.V. , Harrison, A. ( 2005 ) , Logistic Management and Strategy, Second Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England. Johnston, R. ( 1995 ) , â€Å" Operationss: from mill to service direction † , International Journal of Service Industry Management, Volume 5, Number 1, pp 49-63. Keller, S. B. ( 2002 ) , â€Å" A key to Enhance Supply Chain Relationship † , Internal Relationship Marketing, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Volume 32, Number 8, pp 649-668. Kohli, A.K. and Jaworski, B.J. ( 1990 ) , â€Å" Market orientation: the concept, research propositions and managerial deductions † , Journal of Marketing, Volume 54, Number 2, pp 1-18. Martinez, V. , Bastl, M. , Kingston, J. , and Evans, S. ( 2009 ) , â€Å" Challenges in transforming fabrication administrations into product-service suppliers † , Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Volume 21, Number 4, pp 449-469. Mentzer, J.T. , DeWitt, W. , Keebler, J.S. , Min, S. , Nix, N.W. , Smith, C.D. , Zacharia, Z.G. ( 2001 ) â€Å" What is supply concatenation direction? † Supply Chain Management, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 5-62. Miller, D. , Hope, Q. , Eisengstat, R. , Foote, N. and Galbraith, J. ( 2002 ) , â€Å" The job of solutions: reconciliation clients and capablenesss † , Business Horizons, Volume 45, Number 2, pp 3-12. OECD ( 2007 ) , Staying Competitive in the Global Economy: Traveling up the Value Chain, OECD Paris. Oliva, R. and Kallenberg, R. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Contributory Negligence In Slip And Fall Cases

Question: Disuss about the Whether Tamara would be lawfully accountable to get damages for the act of negligence on the part supermarket or not? Answer: Rule Whenever there has been a failure in order to exercise the standard of care which an individual as a prudent individual should have exercised in certain situations then it amounts to the act of negligence.[1] In the case of Blyth v. Birmingham Water Works Co.[2] negligence has been defined as the exclusion to do something which a sensible individual would have done, or do something which a sensible or rational person would not do. The act of negligence was previously established from the act of trespass but the modern law of negligence could be said to have been established with the case of Donoghue v Stevenson[3]. Similarly, in order to prove the act of negligence the tribunal would observe on to some points for the establishment of the suit.[4] As in an action for negligence which was initiated by the plaintiff, in order to claim against the defendant he must prove some basic elements like: The Defendant owed a lawful obligation of care towards the plaintiff; The act of the defendant in the situations did not meet the standard of care which a sensible individual would meet in certain situations i.e. there was a violation of such duty; That the applicant has suffered some sort of damage or injury which a rational individual in the situations could have been anticipated to anticipate i.e. there was some injury which was caused; That the harm was caused by the violation of duty which was owed by the defendant towards the plaintiff i.e. causation.[5] It was in the case of Donoghue v. Stevenson[6] that it was concluded that the duty to care has been extended to the neighbor and the individuals who were so closely affected by their act.[7] But in order to prove the allegations of the plaintiff wrong, a defense of Contributory Negligence could be taken by the defendant against the plaintiff for such actions.[8] Because, it has been defined as the Common law rule which states that an individual who by his own act of negligence have contributed to the injury. As for such injury his protests could not be entertained in regard to an action which was made against another individual in respect of it.[9] In such cases such individual would be considered in law to be the person behind of his wrong. It was in Butterfield v. Forrester[10] that it was held that the plaintiff could not claim damages as he was also negligent on his part and he didnt take reasonable care which he should have taken being in the place of a prudent individual. So, it could be observed that if an applicant has failed to take rational amount of care for his own safety or injury then he would be found contributory negligent fir his own harm. As a result of such act the computation of expenses which a person could affirm would be decreased as per the degree that they were found to have been donated to such an injury.[11] For instance: if a slip or fall occur as a result of the slighted failure of a person to keep a sentinel for their own safety where they could prudently have been predictable to do so then both the people would be contributorily negligent. In Fitzsimmons v Coles Supermarkets[12] it was evidently observed that the plaintiff was 50 % contributory neglectful for desertion to pay attention to the wet floor signs which were situated around the pond of water on which the applicant slipped. It was also concluded that he has to bore 50 % of the lawful conscientiousness as its signs were unreliable falsely external to the standard area of plan of the consumers and failed to position a worker around the fall to give an opinion to the customers.[13] Similarly in the matter of Jackson v McDonalds Australia Ltd[14], the tribunal concluded that the plaintiff was held 70 % contributory negligent when he slipped after going by a perceptibly wet floor where clear sign board was posted. Whereas, the defendant was held 30 % liable for the lawful responsibility for its collapse to wash up the waste from the floor.[15] In another matter of Hunter v Anderson[16], it was observed by the tribunal that the landlord was 25% liable for reimbursement as it was the ultimate responsibility of the landlord to make sure that the staircase was cleared appropriately. Application In the present case, it could be stated that the day on which Tamara walked down the confectionary passageway of her restricted Aldi Supermarket was the wet Saturday morning. So, it was very well known by her that she might get slipped as she was wet but she ran as she saw that there was only one last chocolate left in the store. As a result of getting that chocolate she ran faster believing that if she would walk then she might not be able to get that last portion of the chocolate which was left. But, she did not saw the ice cream and slipped over the floor due to the ice cream and also because she was all wet as a result of which she got severe injury in her back. When Tamara made a claim against the store for negligence then the defendant affirmed that they could depict that one of their staff was appointed by the supermarket who investigates the supermarket passageway and cleans up any wastes every 40 minutes. Conclusion Therefore, it has been advised to Tamara that this case would be a case of contributory negligence which has been proved by the matters which were stated previously as the supermarket was triumphant in proving that they made all attempts and taken all safeguards which a rational individual would have taken in order to avert any injury. And it was also stated by the defendant that if it was the fault of the store then it was also the fault of Tamara that she did not take reasonable care which she would have taken being a prudent individual So, this case would be concluded to be of contributory negligence as the safety measure which was taken by the workers of the supermarket has been proved. As a result of which it could be advised to Tamara that whatsoever happened was due to the mistake of both the parties and not wholly on the part of the respondent. Bibliography Articles/Books/Reports Paul Latimer, Australian Business Law 2012 (CCH Australia Limited, 31st ed, 2012) Cases Blyth v. Birmingham Water Works Co. (1856) LR 11 Exch. 781. Butterfield v. Forrester (1809) 11 East 60. Donoghue v Stevenson 1932 AC 562. Fitzsimmons v Coles Supermarkets [2013] NSWCA 273. Hunter v Anderson 2010 BCSC 1037. Jackson v McDonalds Australia Ltd [2014] NSWCA 162. Legislations Other Bannermans, Contributory Negligence In "Slip And Fall" Cases - No Control Over The Plaintiff's Own Action Or Inaction?, https://www.bannermans.com.au/insurance/articles/public-liability/331-contributory-negligence-in-slip-and-fall-cases-no-control-over-the-plaintiff-s-own-action-or-inaction David Cormack, Slip Fall: Maccas Breach But Failed On Causation, https://www.barristerdirect.com.au/slip-fall-maccas-breach-but-failed-on-causation/ E-lawresources, Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562, https://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Donoghue-v-Stevenson.php FindLaw, Contributory and Comparative Negligence, https://injury.findlaw.com/accident-injury-law/contributory-and-comparative-negligence.html Legal Aid, Negligence, https://www.legalaid.wa.gov.au/InformationAboutTheLaw/BirthLifeandDeath/Personalinjury/Pages/Negligence.aspx Legal Services Commission of South Australia, Negligence, https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch01s05.php Legal Services Commission of South Australia, What is negligence?, https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch29s05s01.php Tim Bugg, Negligence and damages personal injury, property damage and pure economic loss, https://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/lawcouncil/images/LCA-PDF/speeches/20060526Negligenceanddamages.pdf Legal Services Commission of South Australia, Negligence, https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch01s05.php(1856) LR 11 Exch. 781.1932 AC 562. Legal Aid, Negligence, https://www.legalaid.wa.gov.au/InformationAboutTheLaw/BirthLifeandDeath/Personalinjury/Pages/Negligence.aspx Legal Services Commission of South Australia, What is negligence?, https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch29s05s01.php1932 AC 562. Tim Bugg, Negligence and damages personal injury, property damage and pure economic loss, https://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/lawcouncil/images/LCA-PDF/speeches/20060526Negligenceanddamages.pdf FindLaw, Contributory and Comparative Negligence, https://injury.findlaw.com/accident-injury-law/contributory-and-comparative-negligence.html E-lawresources, Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562, https://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Donoghue-v-Stevenson.php (1809) 11 East 60. Paul Latimer, Australian Business Law 2012 (CCH Australia Limited, 31st ed, 2012)[2013] NSWCA 273. David Cormack, Slip Fall: Maccas Breach But Failed On Causation, https://www.barristerdirect.com.au/slip-fall-maccas-breach-but-failed-on-causation/ [2014] NSWCA 162. Bannermans, Contributory Negligence In "Slip And Fall" Cases - No Control Over The Plaintiff's Own Action Or Inaction?, https://www.bannermans.com.au/insurance/articles/public-liability/331-contributory-negligence-in-slip-and-fall-cases-no-control-over-the-plaintiff-s-own-action-or-inaction 2010 BCSC 1037.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Socialization Of Tarzan Of The Apes Essays (2418 words)

Socialization Of Tarzan Of The Apes SOCIALIZATION OF TARZAN OF THE APES Sociology of Tarzan of the Apes By Scottie Miller Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs is about socialization and resocialization of the second John Clayton, Lord of Greystoke. Having lost his parents while still a baby, he was adopted by a female ape and accepted partially by her tribe. Not all members of the tribe of apes gave him full membership into their group, which caused Tarzan grief and pain, but also equipped him with the necessary tools for survival. Beyond the immediate story of Tarzan there is an underlying story of the socioeconomic progress of man in an encapsulated span of time, as it must have actually occurred over the eons since man first appeared. Within the text of the story are numerous examples of sociological occurrences dealing with different races and indeed species of animals. Some examples are: 1. Achieved Status? A social position that a person assumes voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort. Example: Tarzan achieved the status of King of the Apes by choice and direct effort when he challenged Kerchak for leadership of the group. 2. Activity Theory? The propositions that people tend to shift gears in late middle age, and find substitutes for previous statuses, roles, and activities. Example: In the 1800s human life expectancy was not much beyond 40 or 50 years of age, therefore a young man by today's standards in his mid to late 20s would have been considered middle aged. Tarzan was in this age period when he became irritated with life as the King of the Apes and decided to abdicate his position and return to the cabin his father had built. 3. Agents of Socialization? Those persons, groups, or institutions that teach people what they need to know in order to participate in society. Example: Kala, the female ape that adopted Tarzan, and her group taught him the basics for survival and participation in society. 4. Assimilation? A process by which members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into the dominant culture. Example: Alone in the jungle, Tarzan and his parents were the subordinate group. After the death of his parents Tarzan was absorbed into the dominant culture of the apes. 5. Bilateral Descent? A system of tracing descent through both the mother's and father's sides of the family. Example: Bilateral decent would have been impossible to trace for Tarzan had he not played in the ink from the pen his father was using to write his journal, thereby creating fingerprints. 6. Body Consciousness? A term that describes how a person perceives and feels about his or her body. Example: As a young boy Tarzan was ashamed of his body because he was not hairy like the other apes. As a man, he was glad he was not covered in hair, because Jane was not. 7. Cultural Capital? A term for people's social assets, including values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture. Example: Teaching himself to read and write English, provided Tarzan with the cul tural capital necessary to communicate with D'Arnot. 8. Cultural relativism? The belief that the behaviors and customs of a society must be viewed and analyzed within the context of its own culture. Example: A man even considering eating another man would have been ostracized and even institutionalized from others of society, had they been aware of it. In the society in which Tarzan was part, apes did not eat other apes, however they did eat men. 9. Conformity? The process of maintaining or changing behavior to comply with the norms established by a society, subculture, or other group. Example: Tarzan conformed to societal norms regarding murder by releasing the man who was attempting to force Jane to marry him. 10. Deviance? Any behavior, belief, or condition that violates cultural norms. Example: Tarzan violated the cultural norms of Jane by kissing her profusely in the natural amphitheater in the jungle without a proper introduction or acquaintanceship. 11. Diffusion? The transmi ssion of cultural items or social practices from one group or society to another. Example: The hunting knife belonging to John Clayton was found by

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Death Penalty Essays (504 words) - Capital Punishment, Penology

Death Penalty Essays (504 words) - Capital Punishment, Penology Death Penalty A Time to Play God In national news today, a black man from southern Texas was killed today. He was brutally beaten and than roped to the back of a pick-up and dragged to his death. This isnt all too uncommon to hear in todays news and if anything I think that we have grown numb and gotten use to hearing things of this nature. I dont think that crimes are getting more gruesome, but it does seem that they are becoming more frequent. Either way whether or not they are becoming more frequent there is no cure for the problem. There have been plenty of talks in the recent presidential debates about the death penalty, and many discussions of George Bushes fancy for it and in many cases I just have to agree. In my personal opinion if you are bold and brave enough to take someones life than you should be bold and brave enough to give up your own. To those who stand against it I ask Why? For some its a religious issue, I have heard the phrase, Well, no one has the right to play god. Which is fine if thats what you believe and there is nothing wrong with that, but personally I dont buy into the whole religion thing, I am not a holy man, I have found nothing in my short 18 years here on this planet to prove to me there is a god. I have seen no evidence and Im not one of blind faith, which is what were supposed to have, but that is an entirely different subject. Others say, Well, an innocent man could be killed. The way our government works there are plenty of appeals before the man is put to death that if he was innocent Im sure that he could get off, the odds of that happening seem to be slim. But it may be possible that the death penalty may be going in the wrong direction, now this is just a theory that I have. Drug dealers for example are out on the street starting gang wars and basically running around and shooting each other. These people arent afraid to die so when the death penalty is threatened to them, theyre not going to think twise, its just like a walk down the street for them. Now, what if we went after the people that were afraid to die, like the bankers that launder the money. Some say it may be harsh, but after a few examples are set I think that there might be a dramatic change. I personally dont think that having the death penalty will drastically lower the crime rate, but I do think it is a necessary evil. The drug dealers, the terrorists and the rapists are all watching we might as well show them that the government isnt going to slap them on the wrist and that we can be as tough as they think they are.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Guide to Writing a Great Expository Essay

Guide to Writing a Great Expository Essay Here youll get the basic information on how to write an expository essay. What Is an Expository Essay? Assigned to write an expository essay? First look for the expository essay definition to make clear what expository writing is: An expository essay is a type of written discourse that serves the purpose of explaining, describing and providing information to the reader. This is a simple expository essay definition. Expository essays can also be accurately termed the information or informative essays. An expository essay serves to explain a topic in a logical and straightforward manner. Without many complications, these essays present fair and balanced analyses of different subjects based on facts, without any references to the author’s opinions or emotions. One of the typical expository essay prompts to a writer is to use the words â€Å"explain† or â€Å"define†. This expository essay prompt  makes the writer â€Å"explain† in a simple, plain and direct manner. Expository Essay Outline The common method of writing an expository essay is a 5-paragraph approach. However, this is not the only formula for writing expository essays but it provides a basic and clear outline for easy reading. This format gives the expository essay an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion, hence the name is a 5-paragraph approach. Basically, the paragraphs entail: Introduction. The introduction brings up the main thoughts of the essay and can be a great tool to capture your reader. Body paragraphs. The body paragraphs discuss and provide in-depth information to the reader regarding the mentioned topic. Your thoughts should flow well, and get interesting one after the other to keep your reader interested in wanting to know more. Conclusion. The conclusion echoes your introduction by showing that the introductory statement has been verified or explained in detail. Analyzed events of situations should be reviews from several sources to make the essay stay focused on the context and be objective. The conclusion in your essay should never come as a surprise to the reader as it needs to easily come out from the essay. The conclusions and the analysis should be well connected to not leave your reader guessing what you meant. If you are looking for expository essay examples here is a great one: Expository Essay Example Expository essays require you to avoid incorporating your emotions or opinions, therefore, you have to write in a way that will enable you to remain objective and imperative. The 3rd person writing is the most logical in this case. You need to keep a neutral voice and avoid pronouns like I, we, and you. Connection words such as for example, such as, furthermore, whereas, similarly, and conversely among more are used in these articles. 5 Steps to Writing a Winning  Expository Essay Step 1:  Pre-write the expository essay. Students should take the time to brainstorm on the topic and main ideas, research, and take notes. Design an expository essay outline to show how the information will be presented in each paragraph in a logical sequence. Step 2:  Draft the expository essay.  Consider how you will present your ideas with the 5-paragraph approach. Consider how the introductory paragraph will be, the 3 body paragraphs, and how the conclusion will spice up your essay. Step 3:  Revise the expository essay.  Here you will need to review, modify and reorganize the work with the goal of making it the best it can be. Has the information been clearly communicated to the reader? Step 4:  Edit the expository essay.  Proofread and correct the grammatical errors, and edit to improve the style and clarity. Step 5:  Publish the expository essay.  Share your essay with the class or friends to get some reviews and know how they feel about it. Check out the list of expository essay topics our writers have prepared for you: 50 Most Popular Expository Essay Topics The topic is chosen. The time has come to get some expository essay prompts from the professional writers: When writing your expository bear in mind that a great essay is made by: 1. A clear, concise, and well-defined thesis statement that is presented in the first paragraph 2. Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Without logical progression of thought in your essay, a reader is unable to follow the essay’s argument, and its structure will crumble 3. Body paragraphs with reliable evidence support. These can be logical, factual or anecdotal. The body paragraphs should also have some or a strong logical connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph 4. Creativity to give your readers a lasting impression on essay’s evaluation 5. A catchy conclusion that spices up your expository essay content in style. It should not restate the thesis but instead, refer to it with reference to the evidence provided. If you are looking for an excellent expository essay that will be written according to your requirements, will contain proper formatting, language, and structure, feel free to contact our writing staff and place your order. We have written hundreds of expository papers in the past and have developed extensive expertise in expository essay writing. You will be able to use the paper we deliver as a writing sample and thus better understand how expository essays need to be written. is the service you can trust to write your expository essay.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why do we like violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why do we like violence - Essay Example ours of television programming weekly.   Although the negative health affects have been a topic of much recent discussion, the expressed purpose of this research analysis will be to draw a level of inference upon the way in which violence represented in television media affects the minds, outlook, psychology, and world-view interpretation of the adolescent viewing audience.  Ã‚  From such a review, the reader will be able to understand that even though violence within the media has increased within the past several years, it is not doing so divorced from the demand by the viewer. It does not take a great deal of analysis to understand fact that this pervasive level of violence only exists is due to the fact that consumers are actively engaging with this violence and consuming it. It is the understanding of this particular author that the reason and rationale behind this has to do with the fact that violence represents one of the most primitive and basic mechanisms through which h umans have evolved. When one begins to integrate with an understanding of basic human evolution, they come to the analysis of the fact that almost all history has been dictated with respect to power dynamics and the threat and application of violence. In such a way, the exhibition of violence with regards to media, and in a boxing, and a litany of violent video games is a manner through which humans are able to connect with a more bestial and under-evolved aspect of their own evolutionary history. This appeal and violence has is primitive; almost as primitive as the appeal of sexual desire. Accordingly, one does not need to look very far within advertising, media, or any other form of societal representation to understand that the appeals to a more basic levels of humanity are the ones that integrate the most closely with the stakeholder. Violence, as with sex, is something of a vicarious experience. Whereas it is obvious that it is illegal for an individual to venture out on the st reets and engage in an argument with someone that they find offensive – eventually coming to blows and knocking out this individual – this vicarious experience can be had via the litany of different violent video games, television programs, and other representations about that exist within society. In such a manner, the angst and frustration that individuals feel at any given time is able to be vicariously experience through such representations of violence. Even though organized society has come a long way, and individuals are arguably more involved now than at any other point in the past, this basic desire to solve any and all confrontation with violent means is an innate facet of humanity that will not likely disappear anytime in the near future. The impacts of this permeation of violence is of course a society that continues to keep violence front and center within their own minds; sustaining it to a stature that it would otherwise not received. Whereas violence is a determinant aspect of human evolution and provide something of a historical recollection point through which confrontation can be solved, it must also be understood that different societies integrate with violence and different manners. It is arguable that the globalizing influence of Western media has gone a long way in negatively impacting the extent to which violence is represented within

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wells Fargo Bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wells Fargo Bank - Essay Example Kochan, T., Bezrukova, K., Ely, R., Jackson, S., Joshi, A., & Jehn, K. et al. (2003). The effects of diversity on business performance: Report of the diversity research network. Human Resource Management, 42(1), 3--21. This textbook by Robbins and Judge provide with a useful theoretical foundation relating to the contemporary organizational behavior variables as well as their relationship under various contexts. The book provides with useful foundation as to the theory and practice of organizational behavior. Simons, S., & Rowl,. (2011). Diversity and Its Impact on Organizational Performance: The Influence of Diversity Constructions on Expectations and Outcomes. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 6(3), 171--183. This article explains the link between workplace diversity and organizational performance by summing up the various categorizations of diversity found in the literature. The article provides an insightful finding of how the ambiguity regarding the definition of diversity has lead to poor diversity management efforts at organizations. The webpage from the official website of Wells Fargo Bank provides with useful information regarding the bank’s organizational culture as it exercises behavioral, psychological, and anthropological theories on its employees. Organizations are becoming increasingly varied in their composition in the wake of global changes such as globalization and immigration. This has had great implications for the working relationship between internal stakeholders within organizations as the changes affect organizational dynamics and structure. Organizations across the United States have experienced a compositional change after such global trends. Well Fargo Bank, like many others, has also experienced the new development. With its presence across various states of the US, its successful operations involve seamless integration between its

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mission of the IMF Essay Example for Free

Mission of the IMF Essay The primary and most important mission of the IMF is declared to be provision of monetary assistance to countries facing serious economic and financial troubles from the accumulated funds of the IMF from the deposits of the organizations 185 member nations. Although the stated goal of the provided aid is therefore to help the distressed nation sail through their difficulties, simply the fact that these aids are associated with certain conditionalities which essentially make them tied aids, do make the veracity of such an assumption dubious. Although the conditions that are attached with the provided aids are justified as being necessary amendments that the receiving nation has to make to ensure that such distress does not revisit the nation, often the structural adjustments that are suggested and actually imposed seem to have more potential benefits for nations other than the recipient. The fact that the IMF’s judgements and decisions are made through voting in which the members with higher shares of subscription receive higher weightage casts further shadows of doubt on the proper motivations for the Fund’s actions. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the IMF’s true goals are actually masked with justificatory reasoning which attempt to establish it in glorious roles but are actually in line with those of certain economic powers that dominate the IMF’s decision making and reap the benefits of enforcing changes upon nations weakened enough to have no other choice but to accept the conditions and thereby actually cause greater benefit to those economies rather than themselves. When one sees these aids in light of such motives, in spite of the stated motives, the term aid certainly becomes a misnomer. The so called Austerity programs of the IMF which by definition seek to restore a distressed nation to a state so that it is able to repay its debts by advocating reduced government spending and increased taxes have been subject to a lot of controversy. Currency devaluation is often a recommendation of the IMF to distressed countries in these programmes. But, neo-classical supply-side economists claim, to the governments of poor nations with struggling economies which are force to seek foreign aid, such pro-Keynesian policies which are actually tailor made for advanced capitalist economies undergoing depression are destructive to economic prosperity. The IMF also advocates increased taxes as part of these programmes to ensure increased government revenue. But critics point out that such increased taxation implicitly implies recessionary pressure on the economy, some thing it is certainly not in a state to handle being in a distressed enough state to seek foreign aid. The potential economic contraction that is likely to follow has more chances of damaging the economy rather than working in its advantage. In fact Stiglitz (2002) argues that in converting to a rather Monetarist approach, the IMF had lost all valid purpose, of its existence as provision of funds for nations to enable them to carry out Keynesian reflations was what it was designed for. The IMF’s success has been considerably limited in light of the very significant number of failures it has faced. The fact that it has been able to increase overall international cooperation and promote trade openness is a largely highlighted success of the institution. It is also posited that since its inception and more since the Second World War, the IMF’s active intervention has led to enhanced global macroeconomic stability and growth. However, since the 1980s critics claim that more than 100 of the member countries have faced banking collapses which have led to reductions in GDP by four percent or more, a precedent by far since post depression history (Stiglitz, 2002). It is often pointed out that the IMF actually responds to or often causes crises rather than prevent them. The long lag in the response time to any crisis is also noted to be one of the very significant failures of the institution. As direct examples of the IMF’s intervention worsening the situation of a nation we can cite the instance of Argentina, which had been previously considered as a model country by the IMF for its compliance to the Fund’s policy proposals. This nation experienced a severe crisis in 2001, an event mostly attributed to budget restrictions induced by the IMF which significantly reduced the governments ability to maintain infrastructural expenses and it failed to provide even in very crucial and basic areas like health, education, and security. Another example of IMF Structural Adjustment Programmes actually aggravating a problem was the Goldenberg scandal in Kenya. The IMF imposed mandatory regulations on the Kenyan central bank which till then oversaw all currency in and out flows, which required it to permit easier currency movements through reduced regulations in the market for foreign exchange and the capital market. Although this adjustment failed to deliver miserably on its promise of increased foreign investment it allowed, it certainly allowed billions of Kenyan shillings to be siphoned off thereby actually leaving the country far worse off than before the implementation of the IMF reforms (Axel, 2003). References: Dreher, Axel (2003). The Influence of Elections on IMF Programme Interruptions. The Journal of Development Studies 39 (6): 101–120 Stiglitz, J. , (2002) Globalization and its Discontents, New York: WW Norton Company

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Historical Analysis of the Military Draft Policy Essay -- Military Arm

Historical Analysis of the Military Draft Policy The Constitution adopted in 1789 gave Congress the "power to raise and support armies," but it neither mentioned nor prohibited conscription. The Framers left that issue to the future, although most of them believed that the United States like Britain would enlist its men rather than conscript them, and would pay for its armies through the power to tax. Not until World War I did the United States rely primarily upon conscription. The Selective Service Act of 1917 was adopted in large part because a civilian-led "preparedness" movement had persuaded many Americans that a selective national draft was the most equitable and efficient way for an industrial society to raise a wartime army. Woodrow Wilson overcame considerable opposition, particularly from agrarian isolationists in the South and West and ethnic and ideological opponents of the war in the North, to obtain the temporary wartime draft. (Berger 1981) For more than 50 years, Selective Service and the registration requirement for America's young men have served as a backup system to provide manpower to the U.S. Armed Forces. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 which created the country's first peacetime draft and formally established the Selective Service System as an independent Federal agency. From 1948 until 1973, during both peacetime and periods of conflict, men were drafted to fill vacancies in the armed forces which could not be filled through voluntary means. (Gerhardt 1971) A lottery drawing - the first since 1942 - was held on December 1, 1969, at Selective Service National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This event determined the order of call for induction during calendar year 1970, that is, for registrants born between January 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950. Reinstitution of the lottery was a change from the oldest first method, which had been the determining method for deciding order of call. 366 blue plastic capsules containing birth dates were placed in a large glass jar and drawn by hand to assign order-of-call numbers to all men within the 18-26 age range specified in Selective Service law. With radio, film and TV coverage, the capsules were drawn from the jar, opened, and the dates inside posted in order. The first capsule - drawn by Congressman Alexander Pirine (R-NY) of the Ho... ...ain that our military will not leave Iraq until a stable democracy is intact and if other actions are taken against countries such as North Korea and Iran as communication failure continues to break down, we will find U.S. military sources stationed in those countries as well until they too have reached a level of stablility that is consistent with how the United States government would approve. And although our commitment to these current day conflicts has not reached a status where a draft would be needed, talk has begun to stir and its reinstatement could come in the near future. Good or bad, each individual has its own opinion and its policy will be debated for years to come. Bibliography Anderson, Martin. The Military Draft: Selected Readings on Conscription. Stanford, California: Hoover Press. 1982. Berger, Jason. The Military Draft. New York: H.Wilson CO. 1981. Carter, Phillip and Paul Glastris. â€Å"The Case for the Draft.† Washington Monthly; March 2005, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p18. Flynn, George. Conscription and Democracy. Westport, Connecticut. Greenwood Press. 2002. Gerhardt, James. The Draft and Public Policy. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. 1971.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Food and Safety Bulletin Essay

Public service bulletin, it has been reported to the city department of health on how the communicate is experiencing numerous of food-borne illnesses. However, the food-borne illnesses have raised some serious for the health department and in dealing with this illnesses the community needs to be educated on public food safety. Recognizing several common concerns connected to food purchase, storage, and presentation, explains several illnesses or crises the safety problem may affect to avoid the illnesses or crises and recommendation for where person who reads may search for more information. Include criteria that readers must use to determine creditable sources of information, explain why it is important for readers to use criteria when searching for information on nutrition (Wardlaw, Smith, 2009). Identify Common Safety Issues However, food poisoning can produce critical illness, but individuals can protect themselves and their family. In other word germs such as E.coli, salmonella, and listeria usually cause food poisoning. However, these pathogens usually relates with meat and fowl products, although the pathogens are capable of making their way into fresh produce through disaster or accidents while they are harvested, within the resource where they are managed or in local grocery store. Meanwhile, cheese may be contaminated with pathogens, but cheese and produce also has been subject as a food recall. * When shopping for groceries please consider recent recall items. Some stories may come through the news to reach community, so pay close attention to those stories, and remember them while making out a grocery list. Please be mindful that recall food take place on a regular basis however, recalls frequently affects a minor portion of food in certain area. * Before purchasing food inspect it as well as ma king sure meat, poultry, produce and cheese has its proper color and no detectable signs of grime. Pay attention to cheese and vegetables when attempting to eat raw however, cooking is simply a good way to go to be sure pathogens have been destroy. * One must store their poultry, meat, and cheese in the refrigerator or freezer as soon as they arrive home. However, the refrigerator must maintain a temperature less than 40 degrees and the freezer, however, has to maintain a temperatures of less than 32 degrees. Some produce items are not requiring being in the refrigerator but it is when the grocery store kept these specific food item at a cooler temperature. However, please keep in mind people should clean their vegetables thoroughly before cooking. Although it is not required to wash meat or poultry products prior to cooking, but always keep in mind to clean vegetables and wash their skins with a scrub brush prior to eating. * In addition, to this be sure to cook carefully as well as being mindful of cross-contamination threats each time a meal is prepared. Be sure to use d ifferent cutting boards and knives when cutting up meat and vegetables. Another important fact makes sure different cooking utensils are used for uncooked and cooked foods, mainly meats. Make certain everything he or she prepare to cook research a safe inside temperature that changes bases on the certain food item a person is cooking. Describe Illnesses or Problems Safety However, restoring the loss of fluid and electrolytes as well as maintaining the fluid intake are worthy. When cooking meat, poultry, and eggs please cook these products well-done. Cross contamination with food is not healthy way to cook which, means avoid cross-contaminating foods by means of washing hands, cooking tools, cutting boards after these utensils has been used for raw meat as well as poultry and prior to the of another food. Be sure to wash all produce. In other word, wash all fresh fruits and vegetables in running tap water to eliminate noticeable and unnoticeable grimes and dirt. At a room temperature bacteria can grow very fast, refrigerate food leftover if not eaten within four hours. Credible Source of Nutritional Information However, there is resource that community rely on such as MyPyramid.gov, WeightWatcher.com and MayoClinic.com however, these sites or very helpful for you and your family. It shows the portions amount one must content on their plate as well as their intake. This information would help the community understands the safety issues when grocery shopping and cooking different type of foods. References Michaelson, A. (2011, May ). How to Identtify Some Common Safety Issues Related to Food Purchase, Storage and Preparation. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from eHow.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Criminal Justice System in Hong Kong Essay

Abstract The fairness of the criminal justice system in Hong Kong is affected by different factors. Social disposition and public outlook of the person in trial is one of the greatest factors. The â€Å"personality† of the person in trial and the number of vital government â€Å"connections† that he or she has also affects the fairness of the justice system. Generally speaking, the justice system in Hong Kong is considered â€Å"fair†. This is true to almost all citizens not until a person in trial possesses a lot of connections, holds a great deal of fortune, and is a critical part in socio-political relations in Hong Kong or in the outside countries. Different factors range from social, political and other aspects. For an important job involving decision-making, we know that people involved in this aspect have to make important, significant and intricate decisions in every part of their work. Today, it is very surprising to realize that a lot of judges/adjudicators have written only a fraction of amount telling the moment of decision. This also includes the thought process that they undergo each time they decide about a given subject. There are numerous reasons to think about and reflect about this on-going silence. One of the most important reasons is that the declaratory theory of judicial decision-making persuaded decision-makers to further believe that their personal role in the decision making is put to a minimal percent. The decision-makers role in interpreting our very own Constitution will simply be a factor which declares about differentiated purposes. Correspondingly, in discovering many differentiated and widespread laws to administer a case, the decision-maker is simply carrying out a straightforward application of logical reasoning. The outcome of this process is not a creation of the judge. The creation of the decision came and grew out before the time the judge even thought about the person in trial. The thought of stereotyping judges as to merely being a purpose driven person or a propaganda administrator is not good. Somewhere in the middle of that range will most likely produce judges which will slowly show a fair degree of consistency. As we know, we can always suggest that each case is different form the other and it is always dependent upon its own unique facts. These facts and truths will be found in the language and structure of the article and file that the decision-makers scrutinize. Because of this, we can always deny and renounce any type of attitudinal philosophy. We, as rational human beings, can always seek to discern and determine diverse and differentiated styles and approaches. This of course greatly depends on whether the act in question concerns criminal violations, tax evasions, compensation benefits or otherwise. In the process of analyzing different views about statutory construction, I have a great deal of certainty that there must always be an explanation at a higher level of reasoning. Reasoning, decision-making, and implementation of statutory laws in Hong Kong are considered â€Å"fair† enough. The main structure of the criminal justice system in Hong Kong and the fairness of their decisions are affected by the following factors. First, political connections – even a good judge will have difficulty in denying this factor. Political connections range from having a wide array of known people and having the full support of all the persons/groups. Second, social disposition – a judge will most likely consider the social disposition of a defendant once he/she is in trial. If the conviction or the release of the said person will largely affect different sectors in the country especially the economic sector then most likely the decision of the judge will be a little bit in favor to the defendant. Third, money – yes, money. Having a lot of money in Hong Kong changes everything. We, of course, are not assuming the fact that all judges in Hong Kong could be bought by money. Money plays an important role in the fairness of the justice system of Hong Kong by providing a possible â€Å"loophole† in the decision making. This idea need not to be discussed a lot because we all know that in today’s businesses and transactions, money is power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the issue of having a â€Å"fair† justice system in Hong Kong, I do believe that they can still be considered fair. This is because of the various external influences that they receive. But of course, the factors affecting the decision of the jury or judge are still very much alive and pose a great amount of threat to the equality and fairness of the trial.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Factors that affect the fairness of the justice system in Hong Kong are not confined to the topics that I have mentioned. These factors start from the individual himself and go beyond the usual factors like money, social disposition and government connections. Certain strategies put up by the defensive side will not be confined to just manipulating the decision but also the key persons involved in the whole proceedings. Hong Kong is a place of organized crime groups and rich people. I will leave all of these to your own imagination on how creative and clever these criminals and rich people might be in escaping possible â€Å"guilty† declarations. References Forrester, R. B (1986). Law and the Loopholes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New Jersey. Aurora Publishing.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Word Choice Anymore vs. Any More - Proofeds Writing Tips Blog

Word Choice Anymore vs. Any More Word Choice: Anymore vs. Any More How much difference can one little space make? Well, with the words â€Å"anymore† and â€Å"any more,† it can be the difference between using a term correctly and having errors in your writing! Good news, though! Your work will be free from mistakes if you follow our vocabulary advice. Anymore (No Longer) Who wouldnt want more of this? When written as a single word, â€Å"anymore† is an adverb that means â€Å"no longer.† For example: Nobody cares about vaudeville anymore. Here, we suggest that people have stopped caring about vaudeville (a sad truth). The adverb â€Å"anymore† is therefore modifying the verb â€Å"cares.† In all cases, â€Å"anymore† refers to time. This term used to be written as two words, but in modern English the one-word version is standard. Any More (An Indefinite Quantity) When the words â€Å"any† and â€Å"more† are separate, they refer to an indefinite quantity of something. This phrase is therefore used as a determiner, such as in the following: I cannot stand to see any more Broadway musicals. In this sentence, using â€Å"any more† allows the speaker to say that they don’t want to see another musical without specifying a number. It also implies that they have already seen at least some Broadway musicals, as otherwise they would not need to say â€Å"more.† Language from Across the Pond†¦ As usual, British English is a bit behind the times. Consequently, the single word â€Å"anymore† is less common over there than it is here, so you might want to avoid it if you are writing for the Queen. Her Majesty is not amused by modern grammar.(Photo: Foreign Commonwealth Office/flickr) Anymore or Any More? These terms look similar on paper, but each has a special use. The key is that the one-word term â€Å"anymore† always means â€Å"no longer,† so it is always related to time. The two-word version, meanwhile, always refers to a quantity of something. Remember: Anymore = Time Any more = Quantity

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

1st Triumvirate Timeline

1st Triumvirate Timeline Roman Republic Timeline:Â  First Triumvirate Timeline This 1st Triumvirate timeline fits within the End of the Republic time frame. The word triumvirate comes from the Latin for three and man and so refers to a 3-man power structure. The Roman Republican power structure was not normally a triumvirate. There was a 2-man monarchical element known as the consulship. The two consuls were elected annually. They were the top figures in the political hierarchy. Sometimes a single dictator was put in charge of Rome instead of the consuls. The dictator was supposed to last for a short period, but in the later years of the Republic, dictators were becoming more tyrannical and less amenable to leaving their position of power. The first triumvirate was an unofficial coalition with the two consuls plus one, Julius Caesar. Year Events 83 Sulla supported by Pompey. Second Mithridatic War 82 Civil War in Italy. See Social War. Sulla wins at Colline Gate. Pompey wins in Sicily. Sulla orders Murena to stop the war against Mithridates. 81 Sulla dictator. Pompey defeats Marians in Africa. Sertorius is driven from Spain. 80 Sulla consul. Sertorius returns to Spain. 79 Sulla resigns dictatorship. Sertorius beats Metellus Pius in Spain. 78 Sulla dies. P. Servilius campaigns against pirates. 77 Perperna joins Sertorius. Catulus and Pompey defeat Lepidus. Pompey appointed to oppose Sertorius. (See Pennell Chapter XXVI. Sertorius.) 76 Sertorius prevails against Metellus and Pompey. 75 Cicero quaestor in Sicily. 75-4 Nicomedes wills Bithynia to Rome. (See Asia Minor Map.) 74 Mark Anthony is given a command to take care of the pirates. Mithridates invades Bithynia. (See Asia Minor Map.) sent to deal with it. 73 Sparticus uprising. 72 Perperna assassinates Sertorius. Pompey defeats Perperna and settles Spain. Lucullus fights Mithridates in Pontus. Mark Anthony loses to Cretan pirates. 71 defeats Spartacus. Pompey returns from Spain. 70 Crassus and Pompey consuls 69 Lucullus invades Armenia 68 Mithridates returns to Pontus. 67 Lex Gabinia gives Pompey command to take rid the Mediterranean of the pirates. 66 Lex Manilia grants Pompey command against Mithridates. Pompey defeats him. First Catilinarian Conspiracy. 65 Crassus is made censor. Pompey in the Caucasus. 64 Pompey in Syria 63 Caesar elected Pontifex Maximus. Conspiracy of Catiline and execution of conspirators. Pompey in Damascus and Jerusalem. Mithridates dies. 62 Death of Catiline. Clodius defiles the Bona Dea. Pompey settles the East and makes Syria a Roman province. 61 Pompeys triumph. Clodius trial. Caesar is governor of Further Spain. The Allobroges revolt and the Aedui appeal to Rome. 60 Julius Caesar returns from Spain. Forms First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. See also:: List of Consuls During the PeriodCaesar Timeline for other events in the life of Gaius Julius CaesarCaesar and the First Triumvirate Article

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Citibank Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Citibank Case Analysis - Essay Example It will be therefore a wise decision on the part of Citibank to launch its Credit card business in the Asia-Pacific region with full force. Such an approach is required in the early 1990s because; i. Since the era of gloabalisation is just taking shape, therefore for an international bank like Citibank having years of experience, it will be easier to convince the customers in the neo-liberalised markets. ii. Since a number of local banks and American Express are already in the market place with their own cards, it will be easier for Citibank to take a leaf out of their experiences and adopt an approach which takes due precaution in avoiding early losses. iii. In order to compete with American Express, it will be a wise decision on the part of Citibank to make its presence felt before Amex leaves an indelible imprint in the minds of the credit card customers in these markets. iv. No doubt economies of Asia-Pacific nations are less developed than those of US and Europe, but the economic turnaround in countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines after the slowdown shows the resilience of these nations in fighting back the adverse conditions. v. The real market lies where there are more people. ... This search will bring them to Asia Pacific. Therefore the marketing efforts of these companies will be promoting the usage of credit cards. Citibank has to be there at the scene of action to reap the benefits. vi. Citibank has two pairs of experienced hands in Rana Talwar and Pei Chia to devise strategies for the local populace in India and China respectively. vii. In fact when Jaitirth Rao, country manager for India, says that, "launching a credit card with little infrastructure has great potential to be a major headache down the road", he is in fact being realistic in his approach and desired that Citibank must take this business rather seriously in India. Citibank has an upscale base. Its mission in Asia-Pacific region was to be the most profitable and preeminent provider of a wide array of financial services to an increasingly affluent upper and middle-income market, and to reach the rapidly growing middle income households in this region. It has its presence in 15 countries in varying degrees. For the time being the bank will serve its purpose if it continues to work on its mission and position the credit card for the upper-income segment and the rapidly growing middle-income households. This way the bank will get ample patronage and time to consolidate its card operations. If it is able to gain enough customers in this segment thereafter it can go for the lower-middle-income or lower-income group. Citibank is already active in 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, mainly in the banking business. Its credit cards are in use in Australia and Hong-Kong. Malaysia too has a variety of credit card options ranging from American Express to the local banks. In order to set a priority for fresh launches, Citibank will have to make sure